
Free Consultation

Long Beach Car Accident Lawyer

If you were injured in a car accident in Long Beach, call the accident lawyers at The Law Firm right now at 562-383-0000 for a free evaluation consultation.
About us

Long Beach Car Accident Attorney

Long Beach Car Accident Lawyers takes accident victims seriously. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, we can evaluate your case for free and in less than five minutes. Our Long Beach personal injury lawyers have the experience to successfully address your demands as a client.  We are committed to advocating on behalf of accident victims and fight relentlessly to obtain fair settlements. We understand the requirements of accident victims and are here to assist them.

Because of our legal experience, we understand how life-changing a car accident can be.  Of course, there’s the obvious bodily injury.  However, the psychological consequences can be just as devastating and traumatic.  As an accident victim, you may be experiencing mental anguish as well as financial hardship due to missed work and medical expenditures.  Because we work with so many clients, we know how to reduce stress and guarantee your recovery is as thorough and painless as possible.


Free Case Evaluation

Free Initial Consultation

Long Beach auto accident lawyers ​

​Why Long Beach Families work with us

During this trying time, you may be unclear of who to turn to.
Dealing with insurance providers can just add to the uncertainty.
Doesn’t it make sense to delegate the red tape to a trained lawyer who can protect your rights so you can get back to living your life?

Our attorneys at Long Beach Car Accident Lawyers have extensive expertise working with incidents in Long Beach, CA.
The majority of our cases are handled on a contingency fee basis.
This means you won’t have to pay any legal fees unless you win!
We believe in the customers we work with and strive hard to get them the settlements they deserve!

Contact a Long Beach Car Accident Lawyer immediately for a free case evaluation.  We are here to assist you in obtaining compensation for your losses and reclaiming your life.

Long Beach Car Accidents Practice Areas

We are aware that there are a great variety of automobiles operating on the roads in and around Long Beach, California.  The handling of each of these accidents requires extreme caution.  If you are injured in an accident involving a bus, 18-wheeler, or semi-truck, you might have to deal with a major corporation that contests your right to compensation.  Even insurance companies that cover non-commercial drivers may try to deny you compensation for damages after a collision, even if you are rightfully entitled to them.

After being involved in any kind of collision in the Long Beach area, drivers who seek the assistance of a car accident lawyer have a greater chance of receiving full compensation.  Contacting the Long Beach Car Accident Lawyers right away will increase the likelihood that you will be awarded damages, so do everything in your power to ensure this happens.

Head on Collision

One of the most dangerous car accidents you may be in is a head-on collision. We are completely aware of this reality at the Long Beach car accident attorneys, and we provide comprehensive knowledge on potential compensation for injuries resulting from this type of auto collision. A head-on accident can result in serious injuries such broken bones, whiplash, and in the worst scenarios, paralysis or even death. Tragic outcomes are frequently the result of big metal machineries slamming into each other at high speeds.

Rear End Car Accident

Cases involving multiple rear-end collisions are among those that we have worked on. We are capable of conducting investigations into virtually any kind of circumstance. This is significant because the amount of potential compensation you could receive is reliant on the proof that you can collect to back up your claim. At Long Beach Car Accident Attorneys, we are familiar with the most effective methods for analyzing all of the facts that are present and presenting your case in a favorable light. This indicates that if we take your case to court, we have an excellent possibility of prevailing and gaining victory for you.

Hit While Stopped

Long Beach Car Accident Attorneys is a law practice that has both the expertise and the knowledge necessary to assist you in the event that you have been involved in an accident in which you were hit while stopped. Because of our in-depth familiarity with the rules, we are able to assist you in achieving a satisfactory settlement for this particular and frequently severe kind of mishap.

Pedestrian Hit By Car

We at Long Beach Car Accident Lawyers are here to assist you in the event that you were struck by a vehicle while walking down the street. Please get in touch with us so that our legal team can put their years of knowledge to use on your behalf. Our Long Beach attorneys will create an in-depth understanding of all of the particular circumstances linked to your case, and they will assist you in transforming that knowledge into a successful auto accident settlement that pays you for the significant damages you have sustained.

Side Swiped

We have a deep understanding of victim rights, the Long Beach legal landscape, and injury compensation. We'll support you with deep resources and dedication. We investigate all the details of your collision and the conduct of the at-fault driver. Whether they were texting-while-driving, speeding, or driving irresponsibly, we realize that negligence can lead to side-swiping and agony for the victim. Your auto accident may be settled.

Bicyclist Hit By Car

Bicyclists are frequently ignored by motorists for reasons that are unclear. On the other hand, if you were riding a bicycle and were struck by a careless driver, you are entitled to all of the legal protections that the law provides for victims of such accidents. At Long Beach Car Accident Lawyers we pride ourselves on the caliber of our attorneys, each of whom has an in-depth understanding of the laws that pertain to bicycle cases and will fight to secure a suitable settlement for your vehicle accident claim.

What Our Clients Say

Why Choose Us After a Long Beach Accident?

Award-Winning Legal Team

Dealing with an auto accident is one of the most difficult situations a person may encounter in their lives.  If you are one of those innocent victims and live in the Long Beach community, you can find car accident attorneys who are extremely motivated to preserve your interests and rights.  Long Beach Car Accident Lawyers will work hard to get you the medical care you require as well as the money you deserve.

Long Beach Car Accident Lawyers brings our extensive understanding of Long Beach, CA auto accident legislation to every case.  We have years of expertise defending the injured and are completely aware of the multiple interruptions and pressures that can occur, such as physical discomfort, lost work time, medical bills, and more.  All of these factors can have a significant impact on the overall quality of your life.

As we recognize your difficulties, we keep your best interests in mind and endeavor to provide you with the best auto accident legal services available in Long Beach.  We assign top-tier lawyers to your case to ensure you get the most attention, concentration, and, most importantly, the best possible conclusion.  Our attorneys at Long Beach Car Accident Lawyers have a thorough understanding of auto accident law and the local legal landscape, and we will battle tenaciously for your justice and well-being.

We welcome the opportunity to assist the residents of Long Beach who are coping with the different problems of dealing with an auto accident.  Contact Long Beach Car Accident Lawyers today if you have been involved in an auto accident, and we will put you in touch with a legal team that will do everything possible to bring you justice and restore your quality of life.

Real Trial Lawyers

We stand by our work and will be there for you every step of the process until you obtain the money you deserve.


Long Beach Car Accident Lawyers can even assist you in obtaining high-quality medical care without having to pay out of pocket.

No Fees Unless We Win

You don't have to pay any attorney's costs unless we reach a settlement.

Looking for a car accident lawyer in Long Beach?

Get in Touch with a Long Beach Car Accident Lawyer​

Long Beach Car Accident Lawyers is here to assist and support you, as well as to fight for your justice.  Contact us right away if you need a dedicated auto accident attorney in Long Beach, CA.

Long Beach Car Accident Law Firm


Long Beach, CA




Monday – Friday 8AM – 5PM
Saturday & Sunday 8AM – 4PM​

Car Accidents FAQ:

There are many different reasons why cars crash in Long Beach and the area around it.

Most often, they are:


Because of this, it’s harder for drivers to react, and it’s also harder for other drivers and pedestrians to move out of the way.

Under the effects of alcohol.

About one-third of all fatal car accidents in the United States are caused by drunk or drugged driving.

Taking your mind off of driving.

Talking, texting, using social media, setting or checking directions, and changing the music are all things that can distract drivers.

There were problems with the car.

Many people don’t know that broken seat belts, motors, brakes, and other systems cause more accidents than they think.

Mistakes made while driving.

This could happen if you follow other cars too closely, don’t give them the right of way, run red lights, are careless, change lanes quickly, and more.

Even at moderate speeds, the force of impact from a car wreck can inflict a range of injuries to the occupants of the vehicle.  After an accident, the symptoms of many injuries won’t manifest themselves for hours or even days.  After being in an accident, it is important to get a medical checkup as soon as you can, and you should go back to the doctor if any new symptoms appear.

Some of the most common injuries sustained in car accidents are as follows:

head injuries causing  concussions and traumatic brain injury
impact injuries causing headaches, dizziness, confusion
connective and soft tissue injuries causing neck and back pain
spinal disc injuries
shoulder injuries including sprains and rotator cuff tears
knee sprains and tears
broken bones
cuts and bruises
premature birth for pregnant women
anxiety and depression


Injuries sustained in an automobile accident, even those that appear to be minor, can cause chronic pain and suffering as well as a reduction in one’s ability to enjoy life.
When you engage with an expert automobile accident attorney who has a network of great medical providers, this helps to ensure that you receive the right care for as long as it is required to do so.

Every year, car accidents claim the lives of about 2,800 persons in the state of California.
In 2011, one out of every 82 licensed drivers in the state of California was engaged in a motor vehicle collision that resulted in injuries or a loss of life.
This does not include minor accidents in which no one was wounded, such as scrapes and fender benders.

According to these and other statistics on traffic safety that were compiled by the California Office of Traffic Safety, it is likely that over the course of a person’s lifetime, the vast majority of California residents will be involved in some kind of accident involving a motor vehicle, a motorcycle, a bicycle, or any combination of the four.

Within ten days of the incident, you are required to report to the California Department of Motor Vehicles any accident that resulted in injuries of any sort, death, or property damage that was greater than $750.
Accidents that result in injuries or fatalities must be reported to the local police or the California Highway Patrol within the first 24 hours following the incident.
When you report an accident, you are required to contact the insurance companies of the drivers involved.

Many individuals have the misconception that their insurance providers will compensate them appropriately for the costs of their medical care and property damage.
However, the long-term expenses of an accident are typically substantially higher than the costs incurred immediately after the injury.
The victims of car accidents frequently require time off from their places of employment.
They might require the assistance of a caregiver or someone to assist them with chores around the house including cooking, cleaning, and yard work.
In addition, the real degree of injuries sustained in an automobile accident is frequently not apparent until several months after the incident, which is long after the majority of insurance companies have finished accounting for your claim.

If you have been hurt in a car accident, having the representation of an experienced car accident lawyer can significantly raise the likelihood that you will be compensated in a manner that is both fair and adequate for the injuries you have sustained.

A car accident lawyer with a lot of experience knows how to talk to the insurance company to get a fair settlement.
A car accident can change the way you live and how well you can take care of your family.
You can protect your family and your future with the money you get for the injury.

Some of the most common damages that can be claimed in car accident cases are

Costs related to medical care

Lost wages and lost income in the future

Property damage

Help for emergencies

Vocational rehabilitation

Travel expenses

Legal costs

Emotional pain and mental suffering

Pain and trouble

Value of services for the home

It’s easy to figure out how much damage costs, like doctor bills and car repairs.
But there are also damages that are hard to put a price on, like pain and suffering, loss of future earnings, and the value of services provided to the household.
During the claims process, a dollar amount is put on these losses.

Damages for pain and suffering make up for the loss of a person’s quality of life after being hurt.
After an injury, you might not enjoy family, social, professional, or educational activities as much as you used to.

Parents can’t pick up and carry their kids anymore.

An avid runner who runs for fun can no longer run in races.

A night student can’t work and go to school at the same time any more.

Household services include things like yard work, cleaning the house, cooking and shopping, doing the laundry, and taking care of children and other family members.
People who get hurt can get paid for the value of the household services they used to do but can’t do anymore because of their injury.
The tasks still need to be done, so the family might have to pay for outside help or have a family member take time off work to keep the house running.

The fees that car accident lawyers charge depend on the law firm, but in general, the firm gets a share of the award or settlement.
After the case is over, the lawyers get paid.

Long Beach Car accident lawyers will give you a free, private consultation to look at your case and give you advice.
Once we take on your case, you don’t have to pay us anything until it’s settled.
Our law firm offers personalized services, such as putting you in touch with claims specialists and medical experts.
While your case is being worked out, our team helps you and your family take care of your business.
We even work with doctors and specialists who can treat you on a “lien” basis until your case is settled.